As a Torres Strait Islander woman, acknowledging the traditions of navigation, living off the sea and the land, and women’s traditional practices such as weaving body adornments for ceremony. The...
Kathy Elliott (NSW)
Based on Guringai Country in North Manly, NSW, Kathy Elliott is a renowned glass artist, specialising in carved and engraved glass.
Lynda Draper (NSW)
Based on Thirroul (Wollongong NSW), Lynda Draper is an artist and educator who primarily works in the ceramic medium.
Elliot Bastianon (ACT)
Based on Ngunnawal and Ngambri country (Canberra) Elliot Bastianon is a designer and artist working in commercial furniture, sculpture and research driven projects.
Told. Retold. Untold.
07 Mar – 28 Apr 2024
Born in Sierra Leone and based in Gundaroo, New South Wales, Rosalind Lemoh’s artistic practice deeply examines identity within the Australian context.
Australian Financial Review | The Allure of Collectable Glass
The Australian Financial Review 14 March 2024 Stephen Todd Have we reached peak ceramic? This designer is a forging a new path with glass.
Ginger Tableware
2021 | A limited edition product commissioned by Jardan in Melbourne Australia of glass blown drinkware
MoAD House Star ornament
2023 – 2024 | Fabricated by Hannah Gason, the House Star is a limited-edition collectable ornament commissioned by the Museum of Australian Democracy.
Light Fittings
Canberra Glassworks undertook the historical replication of hand-blown lampshades for Old Parliament House ceiling light restoration project. The Production and Commissions team used an original...
Epergne Reproduction
Canberra Glassworks reproduced a number of broken bowls that were part of an 1890s Epergne. The replacement bowls were individually blown to the size of the broken or cracked originals then...
Tony Albert: Brothers Series
2020 | An editioned series of stained glass artworks exhibited at the 2020 Sydney Biennale.
Patricia Piccinini
2021 | A commissioned exhibition of mould blown artworks as part of the 2021 RISING Festival in Melbourne.